The High School Drama title sequence I decided to analyse was from the film Mean Girls. This title sequence used non-diegetic sound to set the mood and atmosphere. It had one of the main characters doing a voice over, over the sound to allow the audience to feel as if she is talking to them, giving the audience a better understanding of how she feels.
Close ups were frequently used to show emotion on characters' faces and long and medium shots to show what costumes were being worn (which varied depending on the character. Teachers wore formal clothing appropriate for their job and the students wore clothes they felt comfortable in. Certain social groups such as those known as the 'jocks' wore sporting clothes) and the location of certain scenes. Point of view angles and tracking were used to connect the audience more with the actor as we felt as if we were in her shoes.
Editing consisted of flashing lights and sounds to make it clear that we were being shown past events in the form of pictures and slow motion to allow the audience to really analyse what is going on or emotion on characters faces.
All these technical elements are typical of High School Drama films' title sequences.
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