Genre is a way of categorising a particular media text according to its content and style. Genre does not rely on what's in a media text but also on the way it's put together (constructed) This can be important, for example, when distinguishing between a horror movie and a thriller, which can deal with similar subject matter, and look the same - lots of action set at night - but belong to separate genres (a horror film takes the audience into a supernatural place, where a thriller sticks to reality)
Teen films is a film genre targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age, first love, rebellion, conflict with parents, etc. Sexual themes are also common, as are crude forms of humour. Often these normally serious subject matters are presented in a glossy, stereotyped way. For legal reasons, many teenage characters are portrayed by young adults.
Title credits may differ in certain teen drama films depending on whether they are mainstream or independent. 'My brother the Devil' is an example of an independent teen drama film. There are less title credits presented as it costs less money to make whereas '10 things I Hate About You' is a mainstream teen drama film as it has longer credits due to the film costing a lot more money to make.
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